Submit Creative Gift Wrapping Ideas To Win Pashmina and Silk Shawls

I am a big supporter of products that you are handmade, reused and or recycled. I find a use for almost everything around me. Vegetable boxes, tin cans, wine bottles, corks, brown bags, etc. I mostly save a lot of these for holiday gift wrapping purposes. ( You should see the look Mr. Mochatini gives me when I say “oh please don’t throw that away I can use that for something“. Ice cream sticks make excellent plant tags. nd what about cookies in the clear vegetable box with some handmade wash cloth, olive oil in wine bottles, tea light lanterns from tin cans, I could go on. But I want YOU to. Which brings me to this week’s contest.

I want to see gift wrapping ideas in which you have handmade, recycled and reused materials. I am not looking for perfection here, just simple and creative ideas that you come up with to gift wrap. They don’t have to be from this holiday season, or limited only to recycled or reused materials but have a hand crafted quality to them. Feel free to submit as many as you would like. At least one picture, and list of materials used is required.

Entries will be accepted until midnight December 19 EST. I will announce the winner that weekend.

Winner will receive a Pashmina or Silk Shawl from Nimli. I will ship the prizes internationally too, so to all my readers from around the world, don’t be shy.

And have a great weekend.


copyright manvi drona 2020