Reader Contest Winner

And the winner is……..

Wait. Let me first refresh your memory about the contest. I asked readers to submit a picture and/or description of an item that when you added to a room, it dramatically changed the look of the room.

I want to thank each one of you who entered the contest and shared your ideas. I stayed up late last night receiving and going through all your entries. They were all so great and very creative. Thank you for taking the time to submit your entries. There is a surprise pressie on its way to you as a thank you for entering. I hope you also enter for this week’s contest.

Now for the winner – drum roll….. Sparrow King from New York.

Sparrow changed the look of her dining room by reupholstering the chairs. She initially wanted to go with fabrics from Josef Frank textiles, but decided to go with Serefina from Pottery Barn instead. While the room is still a work in progress, you will see how fab her room looks with just recovering the chairs. Sparrow even sent in pictures from her mood board for the room. Congrats Sparrow! Your Azuri Silk Charmeuse Sash is on its way to you.

Dining Room – Before

Sparrow’s Inspiration from Josef Frank Textiles, Pottery Barn and Poul Henningsen’s Artichoke Lamp

Dining Room – After

Sparrow, what a cozy dining room! The chairs look fabulous. I hope you share pictures of other updates you make to the room.

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