The Spirit of Giving..

This morning  I received the latest newsletter from Goop by Gweneth Paltrow. She talked about the holiday spirit and I absolutely love how she described what holiday spirit is to her. It struck a chord with me.

“…it means helping to create that atmosphere where loved ones feel full of cheer, like some happy secret is about to be revealed. Holiday spirit is a feeling of warmth, of togetherness, of connectedness. We get that by giving.”

Isn’t that so true? Well, I do love receiving gifts, who doesn’t? 🙂 But to me the joy and satisfaction gained from selfless giving fulfills this natural and constantly nagging need in me.  So when Geeta Chinai told me that 100% of all sales from her ceramics studio will go to Charity, it only reinstated my feelings.

Let me back up. I found Geeta’s work on my FB homepage when a common friend had commented on one of her designs. Thanks Kate and thank you FB for introducing me to superbly crafted ceramics by Geeta Chinai. After a few exchanges between Geeta and I, she told me she is donating 100% of her sales from now until the end of the year to charity. I was really impressed and just had to share it with you immediately. You give a gift and in turn someone less fortunate is receiving one from you too. And the ceramics by Geeta, well, lets just say if I was a teapot, I would want to grow up to be a Geete Chinai Green Bamboo Teapot.

Hop over to Geeta’s website Studio1212 and check out more wonderful products by this talented artist. She studied pottery in the Izu Peninsula in Japan and for the last ten years has been a member of UCSD Crafts Center. She lives in San Diego, California. All her products are available through her Etsy store and she ships world wide. ‘Tis the season lalalalalala…

1 comment

  • I love finding the perfect present… and it’s a bonus when the money goes to charity! These teapots are so beautiful that I emailed the link to some of my tea drinking sisterhood.

copyright manvi drona 2020