• That shower design and the striped decor in the hallway are an excellent use of this simple and effective style technique. It makes me want to redecorate my hallway and bathroom now. Stripes in fashion work well too (so I am told by my other half) but only vertically for that slimming effect ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi darling!

    I adore stripes and go weak at the sight of black/white ones in decor and design. Needless to say this post is right up my Swedish alley – so many great examples and inspiration.
    Loving the black/white striped sofas and those little side tables (do you know who they are by?).

    In dress I really like French stripes and right now the stores are flooding with them. Bright orange/white, electric blue/white, apple green/white.. sigh I want to have one of each for lazy Summer days!

    Hope you are well darling. It’s been ages since we last caught up.

    Lots of hugs from Sweden
    xx Charlotta

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