Storm Style

Weather been has atrocious lately. Wet, wet and yuck!

If I didn’t have work to do, errands to run, puppy to be walked….you would find me hibernating under my softest blanket, surfacing only when the sun popped back out. Alas! Puppies cant walk themselves, even though lil Dexter tries his best to, and rain or shine work needs to be done.

What does make hopping through those puddles a lot more fun and filled with va va voom is a good pair of wellies! High on my wish-list for a while are Ilse Jacobsen boots from none other than one of my best blogging bud Monika Classen’s Splendid Willow Avenue.

Handmade in Europe, these 100% natural rubber boots are not only stylish, but super comfortable and lined in cotton fleece to keep feetsies breathing. What I love most is how sexy they look! Wanting so much!

So many sexy colors to chose from……my pick? The ones in turquoise.

Oh and while you are over at Splendid Willow Avenue dont miss the new handpicked items, such as this sheepskin pelt, recently added to the store. True Scandinavian and a la Monika style.

images: pinterest and splendid willow avenue.



  • All those products look so familiar :-). Love those boots specially coupled with that top with white lace. Sheep skin we have it all over here , but the reindeer ones are better though 🙂

  • Hi darling, I just noticed traffic from you blog to my store – and this is why!

    Thank you for the lovely shout-out! You are the best and I love you dearly.

    I will call tomorrow. A big publication owned by MS will feature my mouse boxes! Wihooo!

    Warm hugs,


    P.S And for your info. 10 minutes ago someone purchased tall turq boots!

copyright manvi drona 2020