mochatini turns two today + a giveaway

Happy birthday Mochatini!! My lil baby is TWO today.

It has been the most wonderful two years. A big thank you to each one of you for your support and friendship.

Words cant express how much I have enjoyed sharing my inspirations, adventures, tablescapes and more with you.

And to be part of such an amazing community is a real honor! I am truly touched by all your love towards mochatini {and me}. muahhh!!

To celebrate, first a giveaway by Helen Julia. I am totally in love with the rose scented “I do” candle and founder Tamiko is offering one to a mochatini reader.

“Helen Julia’s aromatic candle scents are based on simple accords of fragrance notes. Each candle inspires distinct moods, rich in meaning and memories. These candles include: “I Do”, Prima Donna, Pearl Drop, Pink Diamond, Powder Puff, Terrycloth Robe, Sexy Suede and Soft Mink.”

To enter, simply leave a comment on this post. You could also increase your chances of winning by:

Joining any or all of my social networks – FB page, and or Twitter. Blogging about this giveaway on your own blogs. ps: dont forget to include this in your comments.

And to celebrate further, I am offering special (low) rates to sponsors and advertisers, especially Etsy sellers, from now through May!! Email me {} for rates.


images: via rainbowramblings, paul barbera, weddingstyleguide, petrina tinslay via decor 8, manvi drona-hidalgo


copyright manvi drona 2020