hello monday + peek into my closet

Happy new week my friends. Did you have a good weekend?

You might remember this post where I had decided it was high time I purged my clothes. Well I am happy to let you know that I finally crossed that off my to-do list.

Yesterday, I spent over six hours purging and organizing my closet. I can actually find my clothes and accessories now. Isnt it amazing how good clearing the clutter can make you feel?

I like to store my overnight bags in the closet. Makes it much easier to pack for last-minute trips.

I hope I can find a spot for this pretty art, a gift from my sister.

All set for goodwill.

Having a chair in there is great for slipping into shoes, reaching for items from the top shelves, and to sit and ponder over the eternal girl question “what should I wear?”.

This is just the first step in creating a functional, glamorous and stylish closet for myself. Next up the fun part: space planning and prettification!

When my closet grows up, I hope it looks and stays as organized as this one.Have any of you tacked a closet makeover?

Have a productive week ahead.


images: manvi drona-hidalgo and pinterest


  • Hello dear!
    Congratulations and well done on your wardrobe/closet clean-up!
    It always feels so great when it’s done and I REALLY have to get started with mine too. Sadly I have no ‘walk-in’ at this place. I used to have a big dressing room with an en-suite bath.. Missing it so.. sob sob. But I have two massive wardrobes that are full to the brim and I have to cull, chuck, and store away things that aren’t relevant any more so that I can get a better overview.. Sigh.. Wish me luck…

    Hugs & kisses from Sydney.

    xx Charlotta

copyright manvi drona 2020