hello monday

Monday before Christmas and I STILL have so many gifts to take care of. Better get to it, but really wanted to pop in here and say hello.

Sending you tons of holiday cheer for the week ahead.



  • Hi my friend,

    I am wrapping gifts like crazy! No more blogging from me for a while. I am going to spend some quality time with my family.

    Thank you for your wonderful friendship and all your support. I absolutely adore you!

    Happy Holidays to you and Paul. I look forward to many fun conversations in 2011!

    Love to you,


  • Happy holidays my dear and thank you for a wonderful year of friendship and inspiration.
    I am in awe of your amazing talent and am so thrilled our roads crossed. Was it only this year? Feels like a lot longer and I can’t wait to grow our friendship more in 2011. That India trip is high on my ‘dream list’.. 🙂

    Biggest hug to you and thank you for being such a wonderful friend.

    Charl xx

copyright manvi drona 2020