happy loving weekend

Well, here’s to a great week behind and a fabulous weekend awaiting…

I am going to try and finish a photo shoot for a client, find out if my bone has healed enough to allow horse riding, plan a romantic picnic, catch up with friends and hopefully visit a flower market. Et vous?

If you havent already entered this week’s giveaway, what are you waiting for?

Have a super weekend. xoxo

images: via thisisglamorous


  • Hello!
    Hope your weekend was relaxing and that you got the thumbs up on the bone. Can’t wait to hear.
    How fun that you horse ride. Do you have stables nearby? I love riding – am terrible at it and to be honest the horses tend to take over and I just hang on.. but it is so much fun though!

    Divine pictures as usual. You are my inspiration dear!

    Bisoux a toi!
    xx Charlotta

copyright manvi drona 2020