Amy Lau Designs

Amy Lau Design is no stranger to the blogsphere or tv, or any other media. How could she be? She’s got Central Park to Chelsea, Greenwich, to Elie Tahari and even Miami chanting praises for her work! Rightfully so – her designs are inspiring, vibrant, and so..alive! I share her passion for nature and designing around elements from nature. She uses interesting light fixtures to create drama. Look how fun her work looks with those geometric shapes. Here is a peek at her portfolio.

Amy Lau Designs

Amy Lau Designs

Amy Lau Designs

Amy Lau Designs

Amy Lau Designs

Amy Lau Designs

I’m curious to find out if this coffee table is from Kings Road Home. A really inspiring find in SoHo. I had featured some of their work a while back under store spotted.

I’m off to the big bad apple tomorrow for the long weekend. Will be back with a bunch of goodies and stores spotted for you. I haven’t packed yet and we are leaving early afternoon. I hate packing. I want a packing aayah (nanny).


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