Blinks: this is glamorous

I have been so caught up in new projects that I haven’t had time to browse some of my fav blogs. I have missed out on so much how about we catch up together. First up let’s visit this is glamorous…

i love collecting match books from restaurants I visit during my travels. They come in handy in addition to reminding me of good times had. I usually throw them in a bowl but isnt this a fun way to display them?

Love at first sight..when can this bathroom move in?

Can you ever have enough trays? especially gold mirror ones that add oodles of glamour?

cork isnt the first thing that pops to mind when thinking glamour, but dont these lamps make you wonder why not?

you knew you would find at least one pic of chandeliers in this post… 😉

perfect spot to unwind after a long day!

images: this is glamorous


  • Hello! So glad to have you back!
    Yes this blog is one of my faves as well. Always so full of eye candy!
    Thanks for sharing. I feel inspired.

    Hope you are adjusting well back in at work and that you are not in any pain still. Am thinking of you daily and hope all is well.

    Also hope you have time to pop into my little corner and enter my give-away. x

    xx C

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