Take a Seat

Guest post by Elizabeth Calwell from Rough Review

There is something to be said about a chair – and that is – that it’s a make or break situation. This becomes oh-so –clear when you’re trying to concentrate in a big snuggly chair where your papers keep disappearing down the sides of the cushion. Or conversely, when you’re trying to relax in a frustratingly uncomfortable desk chair. The utilitarian chair, made for sitting one’s self upon, is no longer just a chair by any stretch of the imagination.
Furniture in general has merged with design to combine function, modern design philosophy and comfort together to make pieces that not only serve a purpose, but change our mood and alter the overall feel of a room. From designer, to commercially available retail, choosing the perfect one to serve your individual needs is now a rather difficult task.  The bottom line? There’s a lot to think about when buying a chair. Luckily, there’s a lot of clever designs out there to offer inspiration.


bibilio chaise

From the sleek and modern, to the literal and practical – chair design knows no boundaries.


The Cave – dornob


Leve Chair – Australian Design Awards

Whilst these designs are innovative and sleek, nothing beats a delightfully girly, handpainted vintage-inspired chair. I’d love one of these to do my study in – would make it so much more bearable!


Jane Hall Design Wooden Bearger Armchair

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