Party planning tip – mood boards

Throwing a party? Or two? The gorgeous Hostess with the Mostess, Jennifer Sbranti suggests creating a mood board of ideas for the party. A mood board is a collage of inspirational images, notes and other materials that you wish to incorporate in your party.  I love collages. I love mood boards. Creating one for entertaining is a fantastic idea. You can use a simple cork board or even your refrigerator and magnets. Jennifer recommends digital boards (using sites like Polyvore) because of flexibility and the range of options to chose from.

I find creating and using mood boards extremely useful. They help you streamline the planning process, visualize what the party will look like and make decisions about what elements work well together. Additionally you can keep track of budgets. They are also a handy reference for future parties. You can include options for decorations, lighting, seating arrangements, menu options, drinks, shopping lists, your outfit selections and so much more.




Polyvore is a free, easy-to-use web-based application for mixing and matching images from anywhere on the web. It is also a vibrant community of creative and stylish people. Polyvore lets you create sets composed of individual images using an easy to use, drag and drop editor. After you have created a set, you can publish and share it with your friends and the Polyvore community.

Her Day

A big advantage to online collage applications like PolyvoreWeardrobe and Chictopia (thanks Surabhi) is the ability to access it when I am out and about from my iphone. Have you used mood board for parties? Do you prefer digital boards to actual ones? Can you think of more benefits to creating mood boards?

images: simplystated and polyvore

1 comment

  • Whoa! PLEASE tell me you know where that amazing cake came from…the one with the cupcake topper. It is amazing! Seriously…if you know, email me please! 😉

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