tabletop; pinks

Can we girls ever have enough of pinks? I think not. Especially on a grey-rainy day like today.

This morning I went shopping for spring-summer inspired tablescapes and was disappointed that I didnt come across any table linen with the sort of pinks that I was looking for… I might just have to make my own. Until then, sharing my inspiration with you.

where do you shop for table linen?

images: eddie ross, this is glamorous, unknown and martha stewart


  • Great pink selection! I do understand you when you’re not able to find the exact colour you’re looking for. Gossh, that’s so frustrating!
    Well, I live in Portugal, so the places I shop for table linen are mostly Habitat and Zara Home. Sometimes Ikea but most of the time in random places where I find things that I like!

    • charlotta, you are a DOLL!! such a fantastic idea about dyeing..i must look into it. for the shoot, i am considering using a scarf as a runner….pray it works.
      ana, welcome to mochatini! i love zara though we dont have the home collection in stores around here. i shoudl look into ordering them online. i am also dying to visit portugal!!

  • These are lovely Manvi but will fall short of the ones you are about to create I am sure!! x

    Yes it’s hard to find the right shades.
    We used to have a fantastic dry-cleaner outlet that also dyed garments and fabric on demand. They were called ‘We’ll dye for you!’ – such a great name!

    I think you might have to dye some natural linen or ask someone like Heather Bailey (she has a blog) or Eddie Ross to suggest a place. There will for sure be some great online shops.

    I love all the pictures you chose and they make me miss Spring so much – even if we have had months of Summer just recently!

    Happy end to the week to you dearest.

    xx Charlotta

copyright manvi drona 2020