3 reasons I should get a vintage trailer

Before I list the three reason I should get a vintage trailer, I have to admit that I have never been inside of one. Just thought you should know.

So, there is no real explanation to why I have been obsessed with them lately, other than how adorable they can be!

So my first reason.

1. I can park it in my yard and use it as a studio and home office.

2. Dexter-friendly travel. No more airplane restrictions for large dogs or no-pet policy on amtrak, finding dog-friendly hotels…. Hello, beach, countryside and vineyards.

3. I am dying to decorate and host a party in one. JUST think how fun it would be to gut one out and give it a brand new look!

Anyone ever done something like this? Where would I even look a vintage trailer?



  • I spent 1981-83 growing 5 acres of organic veggies in northern California while living in a vintage trailer – remodeled with a real size sink, new cupboards. The washing machine was on a pallet outside, clothes hung on a clothesline my dad built me, and most of the serious cooking was on a Webber outside the door. The outdoor shower was much preferred over the inside shower where shaving your legs WASN’T an option. Thankfully there wasn’t much “housework”, after a long day in the fields there wasn’t much of me left. It was a great life… I sadly sold the farm and left for a “real” job, but passed my home on wheels on to the roaming farm hand I had hired that season. He was in tears when I gave him the keys. I found out later he had been living in his truck. Hopefully he is on the road with it still.

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