Happy Friday

Two more weeks to Christmas and I have yet to order + mail holiday cards and gifts.

AND decorate the tree. Though I’m really loving the simple look of our tree with just the fairy lights right now so we’ll see about that.

In addition, I have a new tablescape project to work on, tweek the little holiday book  that went live yesterday, unpack from Denver (bad me), AND figure out what Im going to wear to upcoming holiday parties.

Not to mention my house, that perpetually looks like a work room with props for styling shoots everywhere, is in desperate need for some TLC.

Speaking of TLC, the gorgeous Franki Durbin {Life in a Venti Cup, Life in a Sippy Cup} wrote a very sweet post about my tablescapes today.

Franki’s fabulous style, natural sensibilities and charm totally reflect in her writing and every visit to Life in a Venti Cafe leaves me feeling absolutely great. In addition her two blogs, Franki is a marvelous interior designer (you should see how much they love her at High Point Market) and also runs an online boutique store – Venti Cafe.Franki has been a HUGE source for inspiration since the day I started Mochatini. I am honored to be one of her blogging girlfriends.

Thank you Franki.

So that’s all from me this week. Have yourselves a great weekend.

ps: totally loving the new wrap rompers by DVF


images: pinterest


  • Manvi I loved the book! Thank you again!

    We just decorated the tree today and I feel so much better now. I turned up the Xmas music loud and the kids and I got to work.. Was a fun day!

    After that we all went down to the ocean for a swim.. Really took all the Xmas feelings away..but was such a fabulous afternoon in the sun.

    Looking forward to seeing your new project.

    Big hug
    xx C

copyright manvi drona 2020